Wind Speed Converter release 1.5
Wind Speed Converter release 1.5

A new almost complete recode of Wind Speed Converter is now published. The new version uses a lot of the open source projects to provide a more up to date experience and more features.

One of the most visible features is fetching local weather station info from Open Weather Map. It's still a "half baked" feature as there is a lot more that can be presented to the user about the local weather.

But it's in the development side that this application had a huge change (let's hope it's a evolution).

In order to have a consistent user interface and to have a manageable amount of source code I decided that it was time to join the trend and just use ActionBarSherlock (ABS) which causes the android support lib to also be included in the application. With this two libraries the development is considerable simplified when going for supported devices that range from Eclair MR1 (android 2.1) to Jelly Beans MR1 (android 4.2).

A unfortunate side effect is that the final application package grows quite a lot: from 51 Kib (in version 1.0) to 572 Kib (in this latest version). A big part of the size increment is due to all the new images and other resources that ABS and the support library have to include to be able to give a nice UI in older Android versions. ABS uses more or less 1.5 Mib of uncompressed resources.

Wind Speed Converter is still a rather small application and newer functionality will probably not have such drastic effect on the size of the application package.